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How Does Ductless Air Conditioning Work?

Thinking about upgrading your home’s A/C this summer? If you’re still relying on old, outdated window A/C units, a ductless mini-split air conditioning system could be the right fit for your home. Read this blog post to learn more about how ductless air conditioners work, which circumstances they work best in, and why so many […]

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Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Skip Your Spring A/C Tune-Up

There’s so much to do once spring rolls around! With spring cleaning, running to the hardware store, getting ready for landscaping, and more, the list can seem endless, so we understand why you might try to thin it out a bit. If you’re thinking about skipping your air conditioning tune-up to lighten your load, think […]

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What Does It Cost to Replace a Tank?

When it comes to your heating equipment, we know that it’s no joke. Taking care of your oil tank should be a priority for homeowners across Rhode island. The ways in which you care for your heating equipment decides the integrity of your equipment, which in turn will determine how often that equipment needs to […]

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What’s the Difference between Ductless A/C and Central Air?

Thinking about upgrading to a new air conditioner? Whether you’re still using old, clunky window A/C units or your existing A/C is on its way out, the first step is to weigh your options. There are a lot of great A/C systems out there and plenty of manufacturers to choose from. But how do you […]

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5 Signs That It Is Time to Replace Your Heating System in RI

When it’s cold out, your heating equipment works hard to keep your home warm. And how hard it works can affect your household spending. Today, high-efficiency furnaces and boilers have proven their value in operation, safety, and cost savings. But how can you tell when it’s really time to replace your heating equipment with a […]

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How Signing Up for a Service Plan Can Help You Save Money

You know the feeling: suddenly your heating system stops working and you think two things. First, “Oh my goodness, we have to get this fixed!” and second, “Oh my goodness, how much is this going to cost?!” Planning for household repairs is part of owning a home, but you don’t have to break a sweat […]

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How Are Automatic Delivery Schedules Calculated?

If you’re one of the many homeowners and business owners who rely on automatic fuel delivery to heat your home, you may have wondered how we know when to refill your tank with fuel. After all, don’t all homes use fuel at a different rate depending on heating preferences and home size? Plus, oil storage […]

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Finding a Plumber Who’s Always Reliable When You Call

Have you ever run into a plumbing issue? If so, you know they can be stressful, damaging, and intense. When you run into a plumbing issue and need assistance fast, do you know exactly who to call? If you live in Rhode Island and need a local plumber you can depend on, we’re here to […]

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The True Value of Oil Tank Coverage in Rhode Island

As a homeowner in Rhode Island, you don’t want to take risks when it comes to the integrity of your home heating equipment. Fuel oil users in Rhode Island rely heavily on their oil storage tanks to keep their families safe and warm, no matter what the forecast decides to do. If you use heating […]

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Choosing a Home Comfort Company That Always Puts You First

Have you ever been brushed off by a company’s customer service personnel? Perhaps they answer the phone while serving you, or they don’t honor a warranty or return policy. This is a frustrating type of scenario that’s sure to irritate even the most empathetic people. When it comes to your Rhode Island home comfort, you […]

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How to Select the Right Service Plan for Your RI Home

Chances are you protect your car, your home, and your health with insurance—why not get some coverage for your heating system, too? After all, this coverage is designed to help you avoid high payments if anything were to go awry. A service plan from Hope Energy will provide your Rhode Island family and home with […]

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Choosing the Right A/C for Your Rhode Island Home

Hot weather is right around the corner, and soon the dog days of summer will be here. You’re probably wondering the best way to stay cool this hot season, and you know that clunky old window unit isn’t going to get the job done. So, when it comes to air conditioning systems, you have two […]

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How to Find the Best Fuel Tank Coverage in Rhode Island

Fuel oil and Bioheat® fuel users in Rhode Island heavily rely on their oil storage tank to keep their families safe and warm. If you fall in this category, you could benefit significantly from tank replacement coverage. Keep reading to learn more about how to find the best heating oil storage tank coverage in Rhode […]

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Invest in Your Home Comfort

Warmer weather is right around the corner in Rhode Island, and soon spring will be here, and you’ll get to say goodbye to colder weather for a few months. Are you still using a clunky, old, loud air conditioning window unit? There are better options! Continue reading Hope Energy’s blog post to learn more about […]

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The Secret to Affordable Rhode Island Home Comfort

As a Rhode Island homeowner, you’ve likely considered different ways to reduce your heating bills. Maybe you don’t turn on the thermostat until November, tell your kids to put on an extra sweater if they get cold, or leave the oven open a crack after cooking something delicious for dinner. Though all of these strategies […]

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Everything You Need to Know about Your Rhode Island Heating System

Unlike the more southern states, Rhode Island residents and homeowners get four prominent seasons throughout the year. During winter, it’s more important than ever to be on top of monitoring your home heating system—after all, a lack of preparation could cause discomfort for your family and permanent damage to your home’s structure. Fortunately, Hope Energy […]

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